I need to automate the setting of passwords on some Active Directory accounts. Since resetting passwords is also a task that I’m asked to perform with some routine, I decided to make a more generic tool script that could be used in a variety of tasks ( I listened to Don Jones‘ advice on building Tools and Controllers).
I also got a head start from Bill Stewart’s useful Windows IT Pro article Generating Random Passwords in PowerShell.  Among the changes I made are source character class handling, and a new SecureString output option. Please let me know if you find the script useful, or if you find any bugs.
<# .SYNOPSIS Generates one or more randomized strings containing specified character classes. .PARAMETER Length The length of the string to be generated. .PARAMETER CharacterClasses An array of Character Classes from which to generate the string. The string will contain at least one character from each specificied class. You may also use the alias 'Classes' for the parameter name Valid Character classes are: Upper - A..Z Lower - a..z Digits - 0..9 AlphaNum - shorthand for Upper,Lower,Digits Symbols - !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~ Safe - #$%+-./:=\_~ (ODBC Safe, Shell Safe if quoted) If no classes are specified, a string is generated with mixed-case letters, digits, and symbol characters (i.e., ALL the classes). .PARAMETER IncludeCharacters A string of characters to include in the generated string: .PARAMETER ExcludeCharacters A string a characters to exclude in the generated string: .PARAMETER Count The number of strings to be generated. .PARAMETER AsSecureString Specifies that the new random string(s) will be returned as Secure String objects, to make their use as passwords easier. .EXAMPLE > New-RandomString.ps1 -CharacterClasses Lower,Digits -Length 14 -Count 5 Generated five strings, each fourteen characters long, comprised of lowercase letters and digits. .EXAMPLE > New-RandomString.ps1 -Classes AlphaNum,Symbols -length 21 > New-RandomString.ps1 -length 21 The previous two commands are equivalent, because the default character classes used are upper and lowercase letters, digits, and symbol characters. .EXAMPLE > New-RandomString.ps1 -Class 'AlphaNum' -Include '#$%^' The generated string will contain characters from the UpperCase, LowerCase and Digits classes, as well as at least one character from among the four specified. .EXAMPLE > New-RandomString.ps1 -Class 'AlphaNum' -Exclude 'O0l1' The generated string will contain characters from the UpperCase, LowerCase and Digits classes, but will not contain the "look-alike' characters. .Notes Author : Geoff Duke <Geoffrey.Duke@uvm.edu> Last Edit : 2014-11-07 Based on script "Get-RandomString.ps1" for Windows IT Pro: http://windowsitpro.com/powershell/generating-random-passwords-powershell #> #Requires -version 3 [cmdletbinding()] Param( [alias('Size')] [ValidateRange(7,256)] [int] $length = 21, [int] $count = 1, [Parameter()] [ValidateSet('Upper','Lower','Digits','AlphaNum','Symbols','Safe')] [alias('Classes')] [String[]] $CharacterClasses = @('Upper','Lower','Digits','Symbols'), [Parameter()] [string] $IncludeCharacters = '', [string] $ExcludeCharacters = '', [switch] $AsSecureString ) Set-StrictMode -version 'Latest' # Additional parameter wrangling # -------------------------------------------------------------------- [string[]] $Classes = $CharacterClasses.ToLower() if ( $Classes.Contains('safe') -and $Classes.Contains('symbols') ) { write-warning 'You specified both "Symbols" and "Safe" character classes; this is the same as just specifying "Symbols".' $Classes = $Classes | where { $_ -ne 'safe' } } # Replace alphanum with the upper,lower, and digits classes if ( $Classes.Contains('alphanum') ) { $Classes = $Classes | where { $_ -ne 'alphanum' } $Classes += 'upper','lower','digits' } # remove any duplicated classes $Classes = $Classes | select -unique # Setup source characters # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Character classes - functionally, a strongly-typed hash of string arrays # (addresses issue of singleton arrays turning into simple strings) $chars = New-Object 'Collections.Generic.Dictionary[string,char[]]' $chars['lower'] = 97..122 | foreach-object { [Char] $_ } $chars['upper'] = 65..90 | foreach-object { [Char] $_ } $chars['digits'] = 48..57 | foreach-object { [Char] $_ } $chars['symbols'] = (33..47+58..64+91..96+123..126) | foreach-object { [Char] $_ } $chars['safe'] = '#$%+-./:=\_~'.ToCharArray() write-verbose $( 'String must include a character from each of ' + $( $Classes -join ',' ) + $( if ( $IncludeCharacters ) { " plus [$IncludeCharacters] " } ) + $( if ( $ExcludeCharacters ) { "but must not include any of [$ExcludeCharacters]" } ) ) if ( $IncludeCharacters ) { $Classes += 'include' $chars['include'] = $IncludeCharacters.ToCharArray() } [char[]] $char_source = $chars[ $Classes ] | % { $_ } | select -unique if ( $ExcludeCharacters ) { $char_source = $char_source | Where { $_ -NotIn $ExcludeCharacters.ToCharArray() } } write-verbose "Source chars: $(-join $char_source)" # Generating the random string(s) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- $string_count = 0 :NewString while ( $string_count -lt $Count ) { $output = '' for ( $i=0; $i -lt $length; $i++) { $output += get-random @($char_source) } write-debug "NewString: generated string is -> $output" # Ensure that the requested character classes are present :CharClass foreach ($class in $Classes) { foreach ( $char in $output.ToCharArray() ) { if ( $chars[$class] -Ccontains $char ) { write-debug "CharClass: '$char' is in $class" continue CharClass # check the next character class } } # end foreach $char, didn't match the current character class write-debug "CharClass: No character from $class! Start again" continue NewString # Need to generate a new string } # end foreach #class # string matches required character classes" $string_count++ if ( $AsSecureString ) { ConvertTo-SecureString $output -AsPlainText -Force } else { $output } } # end while
It was while I was writing this script that I ran into the Loop Label documentation error. In PowerShell, as in Perl, Loop Labels do not include the colon when used with a break or continue statement.