Fixed permissions early (6 am) successfully with NetApp fsecurity command. That and the secedit tool made it quick work.
Did a little Russinovich-guided analysis of a minidump file created by EMC Networker.
Did some more work on UVM::AD module.
A number of other accumulated general administration tasks.
Wrote this perl one-liner to find the volume that contains a user’s homedir:
Z:\>perl -e"foreach (1..5) { $dir=qq{uvol_t1_$_\$}; print $dir, qq{\n} if ( -d '\\\\files\\' . $dir . '\\q-home\\g\\gduke'); }
might be worth turning that into a more robust command and turning it into an exe.
Horror! It appears that I forgot my laptop’s power supply at work. A wrinkle in the work-from-home-during-teacher-conference-early-release-days plan. [/sigh]