Adding VMware Tools to WinPE 4.0

I’m trying to augment the Bare Metal Recovery boot image provided by EMC as part of the NetWorker Client to support recovery in our VMware vSphere environment. The BMR .ISOs include a sources\boot.wim file that I should be able to modify.

I started with these somewhat date instructions in the VMware knowledgebase. I copied the contents of the .ISO file to a temporary directory on my PE Build system (Windows 8 guest). Using the Windows ADK, I mounted the sources\boot.wim file.

C:\Temp>dism /mount-image /imagefile:c:\temp\NW-MBR-ISO\sources\boot.wim /index:1 /mountdir:c:\temp\mount

I downloaded the latest VMware Tools, then used the /A switch (administrative install) on the setup file to extract the contents to a local folder. The driver files are contained within Program Files\VMware\VMware Tools\VMware\Drivers. I copied that directory to my working location, then added the drivers to the WIM files.

dism /image:c:\temp\mount /add-driver /driver:c:\temp\drivers /recurse

DISM reported success, so I committed the changes and umounted the WIM file.

dism /unmount-image /mountdir:c:\temp\mount /commit

The files I copied off of the EMC-provided ISO were not sufficient to create a new bootable image. So I used the CopyPE command to create a new base image, which included a file source for the PE image as well as the appropriate boot sector files. Since the image source files were identical to the file in the EMC disk image (because this is how they created the image), I just copied my customized boot.wim over the default boot.wim. Then I was able to use the makewinpemedia command to create a new .ISO image.

I’ve been able to boot the image, and it loaded the VMXNET3 like a champ. We’ll see how the Bare Metal Recover process goes. Thankfully, this is a test and not a crisis.

Renewing Tomcat SSL certificates

Following Greg’s advice, as well as the Tomcat docs here are the steps I’ve performed to update the SSL certificates used by two Tomcat instances:

  1. Backup the existing keystore file, just in case..
  2. Generate a new certificate, with new alias
    E:\Tomcat\conf> %java_home%\bin\keytool -genkey -keystore mytomcatserver.keystore -storepass ############ -alias tomcat2013 -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048  -dname ", OU=Enterprise Technology Services, O=University of Vermont, L=Burlington, ST=VT, C=US" -validity 730
  3. Create a certificate signing request for that cert
    E:\Tomcat\conf> %java_home%\bin\keytool -certreq -keystore mytomcatserver.keystore -storepass ############ -keyalg RSA -alias tomcat2013 -file mytomcatserver.csr
  4. process the CSR with our CA

Now, there are two options for importing the certificate, and I’m not sure if there are implications for the difference:

  1. Import the rootCA cert first, then the intermediate CA, then the actual server
  2. Import the three certificates together as a chained cert. The order of the certificates in the certificate file appears significant; our signing authority provides the chained cert with the RootCA first, which hides the other certs from the Windows cert viewer, among other things.

To import the chained cert (ordered with the host cert, interm. cert, then rootCA cert):

E:\Tomcat\conf> %java_home%\bin\keytool -import -keystore mytomcatserver.keystore -storepass ############ -alias tomcat2013 -file mytomcatserver_uvm_edu.cer -trustcacerts

Now, we need to update the tomcat server.xml so that the keyalias attribute references our new certificate’s alias. Then, when the tomcat process is cycled, it should use the new cert.

Scripting printer permissions

I will probably need to refer to this myself, but maybe someone else will find this useful.

Still working through some print queue management tasks, I needed to change permissions on a collection of printers. Yesterday, I broke down and did a bunch of repetitive work in the GUI, and noticed there were some inconsistencies in the permissions applied to a clients print queues. Today, I decided that I would fix them, but I didn’t want to use the GUI.

Although the Server 2012 Printer Management Set-Printer cmdlet can change the permissions through its -PermissionSDDL parameter, I haven’t found a workable (even if you call SDDL workable) way to do so on a Server 2008 system.

So I fell back to using PowerShell with Helge Klein’s SetACL command-line tool. I could also have used his COM version if I wanted to be really efficient. I use an array of arguments to the external command. See this Scripting Guy post for more info on calling external commands.

Here’s what I did:

# Retrieve a list of target printers
PS C:> $rlprinters = gwmi Win32_Printer -filter "Name like 'RL -%' OR Name like 'RL-%' "

# Construct a list of printer names in \\[hostname]\[sharename] format
PS C:> $printers = $rlprinters | % { '\\' + $_.SystemName + '\' + $_.ShareName }

# Create some variables to make the command construction simpler
PS C:> $setacl = 'C:\local\bin\SetACL.exe'
PS C:> $group = 'DOMAIN\RL-PrinterGroup'

# Iterate through the list of printers, calling SetACL for each
PS C:> foreach ( $p in $printers ) {
>> & $setacl '-on', $p , '-ot', 'prn', '-actn', 'ace','-ace',"n:$group;p:full"

It worked like a champ.

Note that I needed to run an elevated PowerShell session (run as Administrator) to be able to make the changes. Also, I tested this on a single printer before attempting to make bulk changes. I also have a nightly dump of my printer configuration. You get the idea.

You can include multiple actions for each invocation of SetACL, and there are a number of ways to collect output in case you need to follow-up on problems when applying changes to large collections of printers. Hopefully, this is enough to get you started,

Printer management with PowerShell

I find the printer management scripts included with Server 2008 bothersome. However, until we get to Server 2012, with its shiny new printer management cmdlets, I’ll keep trying to make do with what we have.

I was pleased to find an old post on the Printing Team’s blog about using the .Net System.Printing namespace with PowerShell to automate things. Some brief experimenting looks promising.

For the moment, in order to switch the printer driver version on about fifteen printers (all the same model), I used PowerShell and WMI, like this:

PS C:\> $printers = Get-WmiObject Win32_Printer -filter "Name like 'RL -%'"
PS C:\> $printers | sort Name | ft Name, DriverName -a
PS C:\> $printers | Where DriverName -eq 'HP Universal Printing PCL 6 (v5.3)' | % {
>> $_.DriverName = 'HP Universal Printing PCL 6 (v5.6.1)'
>> $_.Put()
>> }

This took quite a while to execute, but did work. What I need to do now is modify the permissions on each printQueue. I doubt I can leverage Get-ACL and Set-ACL for this.

Printer drivers and architectures with PowerShell

We have a number of 32-bit Windows 2008 print servers that we want to migrate to Windows Server 2012, for the printer management PowerShell cmdlets, among other things. I found a helpful blog post about using the PRINTBRM utility to migrate print queues, which mentions that you need to have both 32-bit and 64-bit drivers versions of all the drivers in order to migrate from a 32-bit to a 64-bit OS instance.

I wrote a little script to quickly show me which print drivers need a 64-bit version installed. It can take a moment to run if you have many printers configured.

UPDATE: I made a couple changes, most notably that the count of printers using a driver is now optional (since it can take a while on a system with lots of printers).

Lists printer drivers,  whether 32- and 64-bit versions are installed,
and how many printers are using each driver.

Includes a counter of the printers using each printer driver. On a system
with many installed printers, this can take a a little time, so this
functionality is optional.

PS C:\local\scripts> .\Get-PrinterDriverArchitecture.ps1 | format-table -auto

Name                                       x86   x64
----                                       ---   ---
Brother HL-5250DN                         True False
Epson LQ-570+ ESC/P 2                     True False
HP Business Inkjet 2230/2280              True False
HP Business Inkjet 2250 (PCL5C)           True  True
HP Business Inkjet 2800 PCL 5             True False

This command lists the installed printer drivers, and whether 32-bit (x86)
or 64-bit (x64) drivers are available.

PS C:\local\scripts> .\Get-PrinterDriverArchitecture.ps1 | where x64 -eq $false | ft -a

Name                                      x86   x64
----                                      ---   ---
Brother HL-5250DN                        True False
Epson LQ-570+ ESC/P 2                    True False
HP Business Inkjet 2230/2280             True False
HP Business Inkjet 2800 PCL 5            True False

This command uses the Where[-Object] cmdlet to filter out those drivers that
have a 64-bit driver installed.

PS C:\local\scripts> .\Get-PrinterDriverArchitecture.ps1 -Printers | ft -a
Enumerating printers:
    WID - Kyocera TASKalfa 3050ci KX
    WC - Kyocera TASKalfa 300ci KX
    UFS - Canon iR-ADV C5035

Name                                       x86   x64 Printers
----                                       ---   --- --------
Brother HL-5250DN                         True False        5
Epson LQ-570+ ESC/P 2                     True False        0
HP Business Inkjet 2230/2280              True False        1
HP Business Inkjet 2250 (PCL5C)           True  True        0
HP Business Inkjet 2800 PCL 5             True False        1

This command includes the -Printers switch parameter to add a count of
the printers using each driver. Enumerating the printers can take a while
if there are lots of them installed, so this behavior is optional.

 - Author    :
 - Mod. Date : May 28, 2013

param( [switch] $printers )

$wmi_drivers = get-wmiobject Win32_PrinterDriver -Property Name
$drivers = @{}
foreach ($driver in $wmi_drivers) {
    # Isolate the driver name and platform
    $name,$null,$platform = $driver.Name -split ','

    if ( -not $drivers[$name] ) {
        switch ( $platform ) {
            'Windows NT x86' { $drivers[$name] = [ordered]@{
                                 'Name'=$name; 'x86'=$true; 'x64'=$false }; break }
            'Windows x64'    { $drivers[$name] = [ordered]@{
                                 'Name'=$name; 'x86'=$false; 'x64'=$true }; break }
             default         { write-warning "Unexpect platform $platform on driver $name"}
    else {
        switch ( $platform ) {
            'Windows x64'    { $drivers[$name]['x64'] = $true; break }
            'Windows NT x86' { $drivers[$name]['x86'] = $true; break }
             default         { write-warning "Unexpect platform $platform on driver $name"}

if ( $printers ) {
    # Initialize all printer counts
    $drivers.keys | foreach { $drivers[$_]['Printers'] = 0 }
    # Add a count of the number of printers using each driver
    # With some progress info
    write-host 'Enumerating printers:'
    $count = 0
    get-wmiobject Win32_Printer -Property Name,DriverName | foreach {
        write-host "    $($_.Name)"  -foreground darkgray

    write-host "Retrieved $count printers"

# Output collection of objects
$drivers.keys | sort | foreach { New-Object PSObject -Property $drivers[$_] } 

I hope this is useful to others.

Disable SSLv2 on IIS

Microsoft KB 187498 describes the registry values that can be used to disable various security protocols. Disabling SSLv2 is as easy as

reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SCHANNEL\Protocols\SSL 2.0\Server" /V Enabled /t REG_DWORD /d 0

This does require a reboot to put into affect.

Which Disk is that volume on?

I administer a server VM with a lot of disks, and many of them are the same size. When I need to make changes to the system’s storage, I’m always nervous that I’m going to poke the wrong disk. I could trust that the order of the disks listed in the vSphere client is the same as the order that the guest OS lists (starting at 1 and 0 respectively). But I want a little more assurance.

Using diskpart, you can list the details for individual disks, partitions and volumes, but I wanted a report showing all the disks, the partitions on those disks, and the volumes residing on those partitions. I have reported some of this info previously, using PowerShell’s Get-WMIObject cmdlet to query the Win32_DiskDrive, Win32_Partition, and Win32_Volume classes. I figured there must me a way to correlate instances of these classes.

I found these two blog posts:

They did most of the heavy lifting in building the WQL ASSOCIATOR OF queries. I put together a short script to give me a little more detail. Here’s some sample output:

PS C:\local\scripts> .\Get-DiskInfo.ps1
Disk 0 - SCSI 0:0:2:0 - 45.00 GB
    Partition 0  100.00 MB  Installable File System
    Partition 1  44.90 GB  Installable File System
        C: [NTFS] 44.90 GB ( 3.46 GB free )
Disk 5 - SCSI 0:0:2:5 - 39.99 GB
    Partition 0  40.00 GB  Installable File System
        B: [NTFS] 40.00 GB ( 34.54 GB free )

This will make it easier to be sure about the vSphere storage element that corresponds to a particular volume (or, more accurately, the Physical Disk on which the volume resides).

Here’s the actual script:

Get information about the physical disks and volumes on a system.

Get details about the physical disks and the volumes located on
those disks, to make it easier to identify corresponding vSphere
storage (VMDKs).


PS C:\> .\Get-DiskInfo.ps1

    Author: Geoff Duke <>
    Based on and

Set-PSDebug -Strict

Function Main {

    $diskdrives = get-wmiobject Win32_DiskDrive | sort Index

    $colSize = @{Name='Size';Expression={Get-HRSize $_.Size}}

    foreach ( $disk in $diskdrives ) {

        $scsi_details = 'SCSI ' + $disk.SCSIBus         + ':' +
                                  $disk.SCSILogicalUnit + ':' +
                                  $disk.SCSIPort        + ':' +
        write $( 'Disk ' + $disk.Index + ' - ' + $scsi_details +
                 ' - ' + ( Get-HRSize $disk.size) )

        $part_query = 'ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_DiskDrive.DeviceID="' +
                      $disk.DeviceID.replace('\','\\') +
                      '"} WHERE AssocClass=Win32_DiskDriveToDiskPartition'

        $partitions = @( get-wmiobject -query $part_query | 
                         sort StartingOffset )
        foreach ($partition in $partitions) {

            $vol_query = 'ASSOCIATORS OF {Win32_DiskPartition.DeviceID="' +
                         $partition.DeviceID +
                         '"} WHERE AssocClass=Win32_LogicalDiskToPartition'
            $volumes   = @(get-wmiobject -query $vol_query)

            write $( '    Partition ' + $partition.Index + '  ' +
                     ( Get-HRSize $partition.Size) + '  ' +

            foreach ( $volume in $volumes) {
                write $( '        ' + $ + 
                         ' [' + $volume.FileSystem + '] ' + 
                         ( Get-HRSize $volume.Size ) + ' ( ' +
                         ( Get-HRSize $volume.FreeSpace ) + ' free )'

            } # end foreach vol

        } # end foreach part

        write ''

    } # end foreach disk


function Get-HRSize {
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True, ValueFromPipeline=$True)]
        [INT64] $bytes
    process {
        if     ( $bytes -gt 1pb ) { "{0:N2} PB" -f ($bytes / 1pb) }
        elseif ( $bytes -gt 1tb ) { "{0:N2} TB" -f ($bytes / 1tb) }
        elseif ( $bytes -gt 1gb ) { "{0:N2} GB" -f ($bytes / 1gb) }
        elseif ( $bytes -gt 1mb ) { "{0:N2} MB" -f ($bytes / 1mb) }
        elseif ( $bytes -gt 1kb ) { "{0:N2} KB" -f ($bytes / 1kb) }
        else   { "{0:N} Bytes" -f $bytes }
} # End Function:Get-HRSize


Please let me know if you find this helpful.

GUID Chase – Group Policy troubleshooting

It started with an alert from System Center Operations Manager about a failed scheduled task. Of course, the alert references a task name that looks like a SID.  Running schtasks /query show a few jobs with a status that warranted inspection. Looking at the Microsoft-Windows-TaskScheduler/Operational log I found that the task “\Microsoft\Windows\CertificateServicesClient\UserTask” is the one the failed and triggered the alert.

I also noted that there were some Group Policy processing errors occurring at about the same time as the task failure, including a problem applying the Group Policy Scheduled Tasks settings. And the failing task starts at user login.

Next, I ran gpresult /h to create a report of the GPOs and settings that applied, and any errors that were generated. The report confirmed that there were failures in applying the Group Policy Files settings and the Group Policy Scheduled Tasks settings.

Some web searching turned up this thread, among others, which pointed me to the Group Policy History files in C:\Users\All Users\Microsoft\Group Policy\History. This directory contained four subdirectories named with the GUIDs for the corresponding GPOs. I was able to find three of the four GPOs by inspecting the details in the GPMC, but I couldn’t find the fourth.

I decided to search more programmatically, and started with an LDAP search with ADFind:

adfind -f "&(objectClass=groupPolicyContainer)(Name={DC257675-89C1-5AA6-5F65-B5D5CFC35E17})"
0 Objects returned

Then, just to be sure, I used the PowerShell GroupPolicy module:

PS Z:\> import-module GroupPolicy
PS Z:\> get-gpo -guid "{DC257675-89C1-5AA6-5F65-B5D5CFC35E17}"
Get-GPO : A GPO with ID {DC257675-89C1-5AA6-5F65-B5D5CFC35E17} was not found in the domain.

So I removed the subdirectory with that name from the GP History directory, and retried gpupdate /force. This time, it completed successfully.

String arrays and mandatory parameters

I have been working on a function to convert the output of NET SHARE <sharename> commands into usable PowerShell objects. In the course of my work, I was storing the output of the command in a variable, which I later pass into a parsing function. Curiously, the function I developed iteratively in the console worked fine, but when I dressed it up in my script, it failed:

test-array : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'foo' because it is an empty string.
At line:1 char:12
+ test-array $party
+            ~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : InvalidData: (:) [test-array], ParameterBindingValidationException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationErrorEmptyStringNotAllowed,test-array

I had verified that the variable was of type System.Array, and that it had string elements. After banging my head on it for a while, I decided to break out the parameter handling and test it separately. I wrote a quick function to accept and process the elements of a string array:

function test-array {
param( [string[]] $foo )
    $i = 0
    foreach ( $line in $foo ) {
        write "[$i] $line"

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